7 Proven Strategies for Decluttering Ready For Downsizing

7 Proven Strategies for Decluttering Ready For Downsizing

May 1, 2021

The need for decluttering is often overlooked or ignored as the thought of having to tackle a whole house, which has a lifetime of belongings can feel overwhelming.  Our 7 Proven Strategies allows you to start decluttering and complete everything you need to without overwhelm.  


1.    Start with your Kitchen


The kitchen is often made up of practical items rather than those with sentimental value.  By starting with items you are less connected with, you will be able to make those initial decisions easier and dispose of some items.  This will get you inspired and, in the flow, ready to move onto other areas of your home.


2.    Take a bit at a Time


Taking a bit at a time seems obvious when you say but all too often people take on too much. Little and often is key.  You feel accomplished when completing each task so by making it manageable you ensure success and the encouragement to move on and plan the next stage.  It is always great to have the added motivation of a reward at the end of each section.  


3.    Have 3 containers


Keep it simple at this stage and have only 3 containers –keep, maybe and dispose. It will be quicker to make decisions with only 3containers.  


4.    Questions to Ask Yourself


When looking through the maybe container or if too many bits are going in the keep container; there is 2 questions to ask yourself:


a)    Would buy it again?  If the answer if no, it needs to go, so pop it in that dispose pile.

b)   How do I feel about it?  If you have positive feelings, then go ahead and keep it. If those feelings are negative, of obligation or guilt, then you really need to consider whether it is something you need to keep.  I would suggest you can give yourself permission to let it go and pop it in the dispose pile.  


5.    Splitting the Dispose Box.


Once you’ve got your maybe box divided up into keep and dispose containers then you are ready to think about where the items in the dispose container will be going.  That will either be for sale, donation to family, friends or charity; recycling or rubbish.  The quicker these items find their way to their end destination, the less likely they are to end up back ina drawer or cupboard.


6.    Make a Floor Plan


When you have found your new home, make a floor plan.  It is unlikely all it your furniture will fit, so choose it based on size, practicality and sentimental value.  If there are any items of sentimental value that won’t fit, why not ask your family if they would like it.  You still will be able to see it and it will bring a smile to your face every time you visit.  


7.    Adult Children’s Belongings


I’ve seen many couples store their adult children’s belongings in their home, even though they have moved out, sometimes decades before.  Unless there is a practical reason to do so be sure to return it.  If you need to make room, it’s an easy way to do just that.  Some of you may feel guilty but the chances are your children will understand.  



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